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Marlborough Deanery

The Marlborough Deanery links with Morobo. Morobo is one of the six counties in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan. Morobo County borders Uganda and Congo.

The link with Morobo was established in 2022 after Bishop Data visited Marlborough, staying with Canon Sarah Musgrave, Lay Minister in the Marlborough Anglican Team.

(In 2023, Bishop data was ambushed by an armed militia group near Morobo. Their car was destroyed, and their bags looted. The Primate of South Sudan, Archbishop Justin Badi Arama reiterated his calls for peace and to an end to the attacks on civilians and innocent people).

Marlborough Deanery have helped the people of Morobo by sending money for the growing of crops in previously uncultivated ground, and by enabling the purchase of bicycles, bibles and other items to help the clergy minister to their parishioners.

The churches in the Marlborough area appealed for money to provide clean water for the Church and for the community in Morobo. They raised £5,800, the costs of drilling a well. The need for clean water is acute as several wells were vandalised by rebels during the civil war with the result that people are having to source water from dirty rivers and ditches. The borehole is to be located in the cathedral compound.


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