Dear Friends,
May I wish you a very Happy New Year and in the context of such challenging times, may also share some wonderful news with you.
As Bishop Data wrote on New Year's Eve: "Dear Sarah, finally the borehole is completed. We thank God for his blessings, and we also thank the water project committee and entire Deanery of Marlborough."
Shortly afterwards we had a video chat, and he spoke with real joy about having access to clean water.
When we first met Bishop Data, on his visit to Marlborough Deanery in August 2022, he expressed his concern about the lack of clean water in his area of South Sudan, with serious implications for disease and mortality.
Until now, all water came from a small stream.
(Do see below for photos of the new borehole)
Initially, building a borehole sounded an interesting aim but far beyond the knowledge or financial capacity of our partnership members. Instead, we focused on learning about each other's lives, developing friendship and building trust, and sharing our visions for mission and ministry.
We started to work together with a small agricultural pilot project that has flourished far beyond our expectations. Next, with your support, we provided Bishop Data and each of his priests with a Bible, a prayer book, hymn books and liturgical books. Before long we were sharing our concerns in joint prayer cycles and then enabling Bishop Data to give many of his priests a bicycle to share the Gospel further afield.
However, we also recognised that access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene are some of the most basic human needs for health and well-being and we truly wanted to support Bishop Data and his diocese with this project.
The process wasn't straigthforward, needing much research, struggles to gain quotations and delays in transferring the money, all in the context of much prayer - but in the end it all worked out.
Now, thanks to your generosity in supporting the borehole project in the Diocese of Morobo, South Sudan, the people have access to something many of us take for granted - clean, safe water. This borehole represents so much more than just a source of water; it is a symbol of our partnership in the Marlborough Deanery with Bishop Data and his diocese. It also symbolises hope, love and God's provision for his children, opening doors to sharing the Gospel, and demonstrating Christ's love in practical and meaningful ways.
I am truly delighted this has come to fruition and i want to thank those who gave hours of their time to researching the feasibility of a borehole, those who contributed to fund raising and sharing information, those who managed to transfer the money and those who gave so generously to enable such life-giving joy. Your kindness has made such a difference to people who truly appreciate it.
As Jesus said in John 4:14, "whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
Your support reflects the promise, providing both clean, safe water and the opportunity to share the Living Water with those in need.
If you would like to become more involved in our group, or future projects, do let me know. Meanwhile, thank you once again, your generosity has truly been an answer to prayer.
Sarah Musgrave and the Marlborough Deanery - Morobo Diocese Partnership Goup - 3rd January 2025
A few photos of the site, the drilling company at work and the finished borehole - with an inscription recognising the involvement of our Marlborough Deanery community.
The site of the borehole, with cathedral behind.
The borehole, with an inscription recognising the involvement of our community.