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Maternity Birthing Kit:   Saving Lives

  • South Sudan has one of the highest maternal and neonatal death rates in the world.
  •  The very basic requirements for safe childbirth are not in place
  • Pregnant mothers currently need to provide their own scissors to cut the umbilical cord and their own cord tie. (It is not always possible for mothers to provide this).
  • If a STERILE maternity birthing kit were available for deliveries, this would reduce the number of mothers and babies dying in childbirth.
  • Over 1000 babies each year are born across the 18 clinics that the Salisbury/Sudan Medical Link support.
  • We are now able to source kits which can be used by midwives or trained birth assistants to ensure a safer delivery, preventing infection for both mothers and babies.


Approx cost £5:00 each kit.

Pack Content:

  • Cotton wool
  • Pair of sterile gloves
  • Soap
  • Surgical blade – to cut the umbilical cord
  • Cord tie
  • Polythene sheets x 2 (a clean surface to birth)



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