• How do we ensure donations are wisely spent?
We pay money directly to local pharmaceutical wholesalers and training centres so every pound can be tracked to its destination.
We supervise the medicine deliveries and ensure medicines are issued by suitably qualified clinical staff.
We visit the clinics and training schools we support.
• What's the impact?
Medical workers trained by us prescribe and dispense basic medicines supplied by us and others to treat and cure infections including malaria and disabling and chronic conditions where no other facilities exist.
Once trained, our community midwives will reduce the maternal mortality rate, currently amount the highest in the world.
Reaching out to the most vulnerable in the community - children - so they can survive to inherit their land.
• What can you do?
As individuals and as parishes, pray for our work, learn more about the Sudan’s and pray for their people
Contribute financially – see the Donate Button on this website.
Consider your parish or Deanery being linked to an area in South Sudan. We are entirely dependent on the support of communities in the Diocese of Salisbury.
• Approximate Costs:
Paracetamol to control temperature of children with malaria. 100 bottles: £20.00
Antibiotic syrup for children with pneumonia. 100 bottles: £35.00
Antimalarials for adults. 100 courses: £80.00
Antimalarials for children. 100 courses: £100.00.
Clinical, nursing and midwifery students: £2,200 per year