•Theological Education
As a basic commitment we support 4 Theological Colleges: Bishop Gwynne, Bishop Alison, Yeremeyah and Shokai. Each received £2500 in 2020 because of COVID, though in a normal year we aim to send £5000 to each to pay for salaries of staff.
•The New Episcopal University (TEU)
We have made grants towards the salaries of the Project Team for TEU, a multi-campus university in South Sudan in the early stages of its development, that seeks to provide the teachers, nurses, entrepreneurs, engineers and lawyers the country desperately needs for peace and development. TEU comprises existing higher education colleges across the country, established and run by the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. As part of the university, the colleges can continue to serve students in their regions, be nationally accredited, share curriculums and resources, and reach the highest standards of education provision. While TEU is a Christian University and will promote Christian values of love and care for others, people of all faiths are welcome.
•Refugees and Trauma
We helped displaced children from Kajo-Keji Diocese now in refugee camps in Northern Uganda. Through the charity CRESS we supported primary and pre-schools in these camps and recently made a grant of £3000 to set up 2 Loudspeakers in Imvepi camp. Each speaker reaches around 7000 people and covers an area of 4km radius but there are around 80,000 in that camp.
•Teacher Training
The Vale of Pewsey Deanery support the St Timothy Foundation working in Yambio and Nzara. We contributed £3000 to St Timothy Foundation for training 2 teachers who returned to work in their school in Nzara.
•Schools and Teaching
We have provided grants to SOMA (Anglican mission agency) towards a series of Youth Conferences in South Sudan, to help young people learn about the Bible, prayer, leadership, marriage, and peace and reconciliation, and to encourage them in the face of their many difficulties.
•Desks and Chairs
We assisted the Diocese of Khartoum Basic School providing new classrooms and more recently a £3,000 grant for 32 x 3-pupil desks and seats. Head Teacher Mama Amal Builsos and Diocese of Khartoum Education Coordinator Revd Isaac Kodi Kodi asked us to pass on their thanks. The new classrooms and desks are much appreciated.
•School Water Supply and Water Point
We contributed £3,000 toward the construction costs at The Peace Primary School in Kadugli Diocese, and this year £3,000 towards the cost of the school’s water supply system.