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Sherborne Deanery

The Diocese of Sherborne has supported Sudan through a variety of initiatives, including grants, donations and partnerships.

The challenges faced by communities across Ezo are immense. Residents are currently suffering from food insecurity, a dire humanitarian and economic situation, with people displaced by the intercommunal violence.

Despite these incredible challenges, Bishop Isaac and Nora of Ezo Diocese in South Sudan maintain excellent contact with the Sherborne congregations and individuals in Sherborne Deanery. They keep everyone updated. Find below an example of key messages from Bishop Isaac- - some of these are from 2023/24:

  • The money from the Ezo Christmas 2022 Appeal – for the ECSS Masumbu Primary School – has now been used for purchase of farming implements, seeds, fertiliser and clearing of the 4-acre site now designated for growing food for the daily “Free School Meals” at the school – for over 700 pupils.
  • The children are being involved in the production of the food. Some of the money sent was also used for the purchase of cloth for shirts for the children – this has been enormously popular and has resulted in a sense of increased pride at attending the school.
  • Bishop Isaac and clergy have been busy with running outreach church programmes for children and young people and organising marriage and relationship courses for 40 couples recently.
  • The Camps for Internally Displaced People (IDP) near Ezo Town contain many families who have been displaced because of conflict elsewhere. They have little opportunity for work and relief agencies (including the World Food Programme) now have reduced funds for their support. As a result of a “Collection in memory of a much-loved mother”, by a family in Sherborne Deanery, money was sent for purchase of a grinding mill which is enabling groups of poor women in the IDP Camps to earn an income to feed their families.
  • The Ezo-Sherborne Partnership Team is enormously grateful for and encouraged by the interest and support given by churches and individuals in Sherborne Deanery and wishes to work to increase engagement.

Professor Andrew Tomkins and his wife Celia are planning to travel to Ezo in 2025 on behalf of the Sherborne Deanery. Andrew is also a key member of the Salisbury/Sudan Medical Link.


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