The Heytesbury Maridi Link
For the last 50 years Salisbury Diocese has had a link with the Church in Sudan – at first just one country, now two countries, Sudan and South Sudan, and therefore two Anglican Church provinces - the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) and of South Sudan (ECSS).
Within those provinces, almost every Deanery of our diocese now has a link with a specific diocese there. Our Deanery of Heytesbury has been linked for over 10 years with the diocese of Maridi in Western Equatoria region of South Sudan.
Since then, at the request of the Bishop, the Deanery has been supporting students at the Diocese’s training centre, the Chaima Christian Institute
We provide sponsorships for students learning English (which gives them a route into employment), and we have also supplied laptops for their computer centre, furniture and library supplies. The link is managed by a Deanery support Group,
In August 2022 following the Lambeth conference 3 South Sudanese bishops were hosted in the Upper Wylye Valley including Bishop Moses and his wife Mama Rejoice.
It was both humbling and interesting to meet them and we hope they enjoyed being with us. It was also particularly moving for Bishop Moses to visit the grave of Reverend Jane Shaw. Jane’s sudden and sad death has been very upsetting for so many both here and in Maridi.
Jane was a key member of the support group for several years. She and Gay Maynard from the Support Group have visited Maridi and made friends there; + Moses and his predecessor as Bishop, +Justin Badi (now Archbishop of the whole Province) have both visited and stayed in the Deanery and met many friends. + Moses is a frequent correspondent, and his emails are circulated to the Deanery clergy and Deanery Synod members, and often reproduced in parish newsletters.
To support the Bishop and the Chaima Christian Institute, the Deanery Group hold two or three fundraising events each year, which are publicised through the churches. An Hour of Prayer for Sudan and South Sudan (with focus on Maridi) is held on the third Monday of every month in St. Denys, The Minster, Warminster, at 12.00 noon – all welcome. And a monthly email prayer is circulated to all who have requested it, as well as clergy and synod members
New Student Accommodation funded by the Heytesbury Maridi Link
Sudanese Bishops by Jane’s Grave