We provide regular updates to the Salisbury/Sudan’s Partnership on the situation in the Sudan’s which staggers from security crisis to humanitarian crisis with regular cross-border fighting and inter-tribal fighting.
• Why 'Advocacy'?
Security continues to be the major issue, followed by health care, education and essential infrastructure, especially roads. The ongoing border disputes in the Abbyei region, the bombing of people in Nuba Mountains in Southern Kordofan and fighting in Blue Nile are in a major part the result of the disputed border across which major oil deposits lie, and the unresolved delivery of oil revenues between Sudan and South Sudan.
The neglected crisis that is Darfur continues unresolved. Inter-tribal fighting within South Sudan over cattle grazing rights and alleged abduction of children is an especially a grave tragedy and former-Archbishop Daniel Deng played a leading role with the Sudan Council of Churches in brokering an abiding peace between the Lou – Nuer and the Murle tribes.
• How do we work?
The Link works actively and closely with the joint Sudan Unit of HM Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, which welcomes the view and voices of the Churches. We also work with Lambeth Palace and the Anglican Alliance and ecumenically with our Roman Catholic colleagues and other denominations here and in Sudan.
We are frequently in Parliament working with the Associate Parliamentary Group for the Republic of Sudan and South Sudan, and through our bishops in the House of Lords. We have active relationships with major NGOs , particularly Christian Aid, and academic think tanks including Chatham House and the Overseas Development Institute.
In Africa, we work with the South Sudan Council of Churches and more widely with the All-Africa Conference of Churches. We also work closely with our friends in the Episcopal Church in the United States through AFRECS – American Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan’s - and jointly lobby the State Department in Washington DC and the United Nations in New York.