Since 1972, Salisbury diocese has been linked with the Episcopal Church of Sudan, and since 2011 with the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan.
Since the independence of South Sudan from Sudan in 2011 the Diocese of Salisbury continued to link with the Episcopal Church of the whole province of Sudan, spanning both Sudan and the new country of South Sudan. On 30th July 2017 the 39th Province of the Anglican Communion was inaugurated by Archbishop Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury); the Diocese of Salisbury now links with both the Province of South Sudan and the Province of Sudan.
It is one of the oldest diocesan links, set up in 1972 by the then Bishop of Salisbury, George Reindorp, and his colleagues in Sudan.
Unlike an aid agency, the Salisbury-Sudan Link is based on mutuality: that two churches separated by distance and culture can care for one another in sharing resources, experience and practical help. Central to the Link is prayer for one another, strengthened by relationships between peoples of all three countries.