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As part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Diocese of Salisbury’s Partnership with the Episcopal Churches of Sudan and South Sudans celebrated half a century of faith, friendship and commitment in 2022. Founded on mutual prayer and fellowship, its roots lie in local parish and deanery links. The dioceses of the Episcopal Church in Sudan and South Sudan provinces are sustained and grown by a blend of ongoing dialogue, Christian fellowship, and practical support. This work is overseen by the Salisbury- Sudans Partnership  committee. 

Our focus from the beginning, has been in education in both theological colleges and schools at primary and secondary level. We support the Juba Diocese Model Secondary School, the most successful school in South Sudan, and provide bursaries for the fees of children in secondary and primary school. Many people from our Diocese have visited or hosted visitors from the Sudans over the years.

Our Partnership link has many aspects, and we currently support both our partner churches and diocese in both Sudans in a number of ways:

  • Prayer – a constant priority in our mutual caring and sharing
  • Education – in schools and colleges including the Episcopal University in South Sudan
  • Medical support – funding diocesan clinics with basic drugs and clinical and midwifery training through our Sudan Medical Link (SML)
  • Advocacy – encouraging HM government, parliament and agencies to better support humanitarian needs, funding and peace initiatives
  • Humanitarian support where natural disasters and conflict destroy communities
  • Deanery and Parish Links where Deaneries and Parish initiatives can be mutually created, developed and sustained
  • Partnerships with other provinces in the Anglican Communion  including the United States and Australia.
  • Giving of our time and resources

Information about the Episcopal Church of South Sudan is available on the ECSS website and it is hoping the Episcopal Church of Sudan though currently in the midst of tragic conflict will also be able to launch a website when conditions allow.

Contact the Committee:

Sheila Trust

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